Ranch Stories

Poncho The Puppy

Meet a playful new member on the ranch team: Poncho the puppy!

Cowboy Tanner decided he needed another friend for his dog, Clara, so he picked up Poncho, who is a Toy Australian Shepherd. On his first day working the ranch, Poncho tagged along with Tanner, which meant Cate and I got to meet him too!

A man’s best friend is his dog!

Unfortunately, Poncho isn’t quite old enough to help bring in the cows, so he had to stay in his pen, while we gathered the cows. After a little bit, Tanner, Cate, and I returned and unsaddled our horses and taught Poncho how to rope! Actually, Tanner taught us how to rope!

Poncho adjusting to life as a cow dog.

Undeniably, Cate and I both still need quite a bit of practice roping and now Poncho is learning the ropes too.

Photo credits go to @JoseeHolt for these cute pictures!
Now Poncho enjoys tagging along while feeding cows with Cowboy Tanner!