Ranch Stories

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It has been almost two years since I have written here but, I wanted to bring it back to say a quick hello and give an update from our family! 

We are finally able to spend some time at the ranch house after crazy school and life schedules. We began this holiday with a day working some Hereford heifers and bulls. Thankfully, the cowboys reintroduced us with some of the lighter work which was great because all of us were quite saddle sore after the first cattle drive of the day. However, even though we are walking a little crooked today, we are incredibly thankful to be able to be back in the saddle. Today we are enjoying a restful day at the ranch which has included a Polaris ride to a fishing hole where the fish only liked Henry! All Hannah and I caught were some rocks and occasional grasses. Mom and Cate enjoyed walking our golden retrievers Duke & Lady up and down the gravel road.

It is a gift to enjoy the cows and ranch again and we are so thankful to be back. We hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and that you can see blessing in it!!! Hopefully you will see us again in December when “working calves” season is in full swing!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!