Ranch Stories

An encounter with an evil rattlesnake…. that didn’t end well for the snake.

So far this summer, we have encountered a few snakes near our chicken house. Thankfully, I never had to kill one personally. (Shoutout to mom and dad for killing the two snakes) 

Well, that changed when Cate and I were mowing the headquarters recently. While I was on the John Deere mower, my path was suddenly halted by the slithering of a vicious snake at the base of a tree. After this encounter, I hurried over to tell Cate to watch her step! Being the “brave” soul that I am I immediately hovered nearby the snake and pulled out my phone to call a cowboy to come kill it. In case you are wondering, the snake was too close to the tree for me to run over it with the lawnmower!  Neither cowboy I called answered the phone.  After striking out twice, I decided to take matters into my own hands….so I screamed… just kidding, I asked Cate to run and get a shovel.

Once she came back, I grabbed the shovel and desperately attempted to chop the snake at its head. I missed!  I hammered his tail instead. Not wanting to turn loose of the snake, I held the snake down and asked Cate to get a second shovel. She rushed back and began attacking the snake at its head. Soon with Cate’s adrenaline and energy the snake died.

I only had the courage to pick it up after one of the other cowboys picked it up later!

After all of the excitement, we sat down and wished that the cowboys would come by to realize that we conquered the sinister and slithery rattlesnake. After a bit, a couple of cowboys did come by and made sure that we knew the snake was poisonous. Thankfully, they disposed of it.  This ends the encounter of an evil rattlesnake. 


  • Cheryl Hansen

    Emma!!!! Yuck! You are very brave and I’m serious. I had no idea that there were so many rattlers in your area.
    I taught school with a lady who actually had earrings made from the rattles and made noise when she moved her head. 🤮

  • Guy AMES

    You all are tough! I hope that you kept the rattle. This is a story you’ll tell your children some day.