Ranch Stories

A Hitch with Hannah and a Heifer

While all the pictures on the ranch appear to have all the events come off seamlessly and without a hitch, that’s not exactly how it goes.  Hannah found that out the hard way this week and earned herself a new nickname, “speed-bump.” As the name implies, she got trampled by an annoyed and angry heifer. This heifer was hot to trot and trampled the first person she confronted, Hannah. While Hannah stood her ground, this heifer hit her head on. After Hannah was on the ground, she started to get up on her hands and knees. Well, the heifer, who wasn’t yet caught in a pen, decided to finish the job.  She climbed over Hannah again! The heifer wasn’t quite sure if she was finished, so she gave one last kick at Hannah.  Thankfully, she missed. Finally, the heifer made her way into the pen. Once the heifer was caught, Cowboy D. and Cowboy K. rushed over to check on Hannah. Fortunately, Hannah survived with no broken bones! Now, she possesses a beautiful black and blue pineapple shaped bruises and some significant scrapes. We are all relieved that she is still around to tell the story. 🙂