Ranch Stories

A Big Day for the Ranch

Lots of big stuff has been happening on the ranch lately! First off, the Hereford Association came out to the ranch to do a story and video about the cattle operation here in Hominy! How exciting is that? As you can imagine, with this excitement, there was a lot of sprucing up to do: pens to mow, scales to clean, horses to shoe, and outfits to wear. Usually, we work cattle in a random camp t-shirt and jeans previously stained with wormer medicine, patches of poop, and ground-in grime. Our typical outfit just wouldn’t do for the Hereford association video and photo opportunity. A trip to Tractor Supply became a necessity! 

As you can see our normal working cattle outfits needed a little touching up.

Off to Tractor Supply, we trekked for the perfect ranching outfits as well as other odds and ends needed around the house.

I am sure you will see this shirt again soon, probably somewhere in a hay meadow.
A vest just seems so ranching official… especially with Rubber Birkenstocks. Don’t you agree?
Get it? Bee kind.
Although this shirt provided us great humor, none of us were quite brave enough to purchase it.

As you can see, as soon as we stepped into tractor supply, we dove straight into all they had to offer! We had lots of fun and enjoyed the Tractor Supply t-shirts immensely.

This is how we spiffed up for the Hereford Association. And in case you were wondering, our clothes unfortunately did not stay in pristine condition after that day.